Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Angus, thongs and full-frontal snogging

omg amazing book. i recommend it to all of you! so how did we get it it you ask? well we went to a scholar bowl meet to some school and it along with the entire series was in their library. so we "borrowed" them. but it was so worth it the entire series is over 100 dollars. like hell i would pay for them, although they are worth it lol. anyways it along with the rest of the series is funnier than dane cook. she went to a dress up party an olive. ha ha ha

Friday, December 14, 2007

questions answered

unusual questions
If you were getting married tomorrow, who would be your made of honor?:My Sister
Have you ever sat on a rooftop?:Yes, if you havent i highly recommend it
If you could live the life of a character in any movie, who would it be?:Anne Hathaway in the devil wears prada
Have you ever snuck anyone into your house?:i dont think so but my mom doesnt really notice
Do you memorize random facts?:yes
Good advice you wish someone would have shared with you?:um...dont hang out at teri's and never flip robin wilkie off. lol
If you became famous, would there be incriminating pictures that show up?:no!
What's the last compliment you gave? received?:that i liked trishinas shirt, that i looked cute.
Name one thing that most people don't know about you.:im easily amused at weird things that arent funny and i can laugh at myself for hours.
Have you ever fallen in love with a best friend?:no
Worst life mistake?:going over to teri's and saying hi to jeff,and a few others. lol
The one things that drives you absolutely bananas?:ugly people, srry but its true unless you have a good personality. and i cant stand moaning...unless its for a reason. lol
Have you ever wanted someone you can't have?:yeah but they usually only last a week.
Where do you see yourself in 4 years?:graduating from SIUE
You're having a bad day, who do you want to talk to?:heather or maybe hoffman and then i go to my grandmas
What's one thing your parents don't know about you?:that ive "done" things with men. but thats over now im changed.=)
If you could choose ANY profession, what would it be?:actress or singer
If money or distance weren't an issue, what college would you attend?:The one im going to is my dream college.-SIUE
Is there one relationship that you regret ending?:No, just the whole thing
If you were to write a story, what would it be about?:my life and our adventures
Are you judgemental of others?:yes
Are there some people that you just can't get along with?:many
Do you go out more than four times a week?:yes but not usually for myself im very busy
Finish the sentence
The funniest thing that has ever happened to me was...:there are so many. if you only knew my group of friends. but i guess id have to say when i hit the very old woman on accident
People would say that I'm...:outspoken or blunt
My past is...:very dark and bad
I have a low tolerance of...:stupid,ugly and immature people
I spend too much time...:arguing
My thoughts are...:i dont know
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

chat rooms

whos bluejean guy?! i want to know i mean what if they are skanky

Monday, December 10, 2007

McDonalds Game

Play it! i just corupted youth and they blamed me for third world hunger but it is so worth it.

my wonderful weekend

Ok so this weekend was good went to candy cane lane. and i stayed the night with kim and we watched this REALLY sexual movie called easy you must see it! omg i cant even explain its dirty! and if its coming from me then you know that its dirty and its really kinda weird. and i also finished my christmas shopping for my parents i feel pretty good. now all i have left is my friends. oh we got our band stuff so im excited to eat my candy god im fat lol but it all looks good.

Friday, December 7, 2007


so one i fell horrible not horrible but a little bad. lol so at lunch today *butch was wearing a shirt i had let her borrow a long time ago before our falling out. and Kim who likes to run her mouth let it be known to butch that she was wearing my shirt and then Kim said that she was amazed that she could even fit into it. and herpes responded by saying well it fits me because its too tight on her and continued to call me fat and say that my fat hangs out of everything i wear. i don't care but she could have called me a buttface and i still would have been mad cause its coming from her mouth. and you could tell that the minute that she said it she regretted it cause shes a pansy and was afraid we'd beat her up. lol so she looked like she was about to cry all through band. mwahahahhahahah

Thursday, December 6, 2007

my life at school

so it is extremely cold in here and i didnt bring a jacket to school. and now this alicia chick keeps looking at me because i told amanda not to touch zandalees books cause shed prolly get aids. lol but its true cause she hangs out with the nasty chick kendra. anywho cheesy bosco sticks for lunch today!! oh yea! i can wait hopefully there will be enough cause somethimes they dont order enough and they some kids get like two or three orders! they should get their order adn if they want seconds then they can come back. omg this older woman who works at the school is wearing these blue/turquois pants with a yellow stripe and they are TIGHT! you can see her underpants line. lol its hot. jk