Friday, December 14, 2007

questions answered

unusual questions
If you were getting married tomorrow, who would be your made of honor?:My Sister
Have you ever sat on a rooftop?:Yes, if you havent i highly recommend it
If you could live the life of a character in any movie, who would it be?:Anne Hathaway in the devil wears prada
Have you ever snuck anyone into your house?:i dont think so but my mom doesnt really notice
Do you memorize random facts?:yes
Good advice you wish someone would have shared with you?:um...dont hang out at teri's and never flip robin wilkie off. lol
If you became famous, would there be incriminating pictures that show up?:no!
What's the last compliment you gave? received?:that i liked trishinas shirt, that i looked cute.
Name one thing that most people don't know about you.:im easily amused at weird things that arent funny and i can laugh at myself for hours.
Have you ever fallen in love with a best friend?:no
Worst life mistake?:going over to teri's and saying hi to jeff,and a few others. lol
The one things that drives you absolutely bananas?:ugly people, srry but its true unless you have a good personality. and i cant stand moaning...unless its for a reason. lol
Have you ever wanted someone you can't have?:yeah but they usually only last a week.
Where do you see yourself in 4 years?:graduating from SIUE
You're having a bad day, who do you want to talk to?:heather or maybe hoffman and then i go to my grandmas
What's one thing your parents don't know about you?:that ive "done" things with men. but thats over now im changed.=)
If you could choose ANY profession, what would it be?:actress or singer
If money or distance weren't an issue, what college would you attend?:The one im going to is my dream college.-SIUE
Is there one relationship that you regret ending?:No, just the whole thing
If you were to write a story, what would it be about?:my life and our adventures
Are you judgemental of others?:yes
Are there some people that you just can't get along with?:many
Do you go out more than four times a week?:yes but not usually for myself im very busy
Finish the sentence
The funniest thing that has ever happened to me was...:there are so many. if you only knew my group of friends. but i guess id have to say when i hit the very old woman on accident
People would say that I'm...:outspoken or blunt
My past is...:very dark and bad
I have a low tolerance of...:stupid,ugly and immature people
I spend too much time...:arguing
My thoughts are...:i dont know
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