Friday, December 7, 2007


so one i fell horrible not horrible but a little bad. lol so at lunch today *butch was wearing a shirt i had let her borrow a long time ago before our falling out. and Kim who likes to run her mouth let it be known to butch that she was wearing my shirt and then Kim said that she was amazed that she could even fit into it. and herpes responded by saying well it fits me because its too tight on her and continued to call me fat and say that my fat hangs out of everything i wear. i don't care but she could have called me a buttface and i still would have been mad cause its coming from her mouth. and you could tell that the minute that she said it she regretted it cause shes a pansy and was afraid we'd beat her up. lol so she looked like she was about to cry all through band. mwahahahhahahah


Anonymous said...

she's nasty.
and I love the new nickname, Herpes. :)
but I love you more.

Anonymous said...