Monday, January 28, 2008

2 step , 2 step your gonna 2 step

ok so um katies thing sounds fun. and scholar bowl shall be good hopefully we get back before the basketball game or i will be killed. yes 20560198019159



anyways we shall defeat webber. cause we are the champions. oh i watched superbad it was good and i watched stick it, it was amazing i loved it, theres been talk of purchasing it. i think that that is all my weekend was pretty boring jamies birthday party boring but she was cute. saw chelsea. that was fun. watched movies. now im hungry. the end

Friday, January 25, 2008

she hit the floor, she hit the floor, next thing you know shorty got low

so ub tommorrow and it sucks cause we have to wake up early and we are not eating chinese anymore cause some people are dumb. anyways so i have to wake up early and then tommorrow night i have a b- ball game so i will be hella tired, like i already am. anywho i am now listening to a rap playlist it is amazing. i love it, but thats cause im a gangsta. hahahhahahahahhaha oh well anyways i hope you all have checked out all my tattoo ideas cause they are amazing just like the playlist. my neck hurts. and im tired. yes. i want to go home and sleep. oh i watched true life last night and it was about alcholics and it was gay one chick was really bad but she said she didnt have a problem so she did nothing about it and it was completely pointless. ah we start our speeches today and im not even done but i have till tuesday. so i shall complete it. hopefully.

more options

This ones not for me but i liked it.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

copying off katie these are ones i like for me not the group.

this is all for now but there will be more

i do cherish you, i will love you still; 98 degrees

yeah so I'm listening to love songs.
had class last night and it only lasted an hour and a half! whoo so i was able to get home in time for the new show : moment of truth. oh yeah best show ever! its soooo controversial but that's what I'm all about. i recommend it to all the losers who haven't seen it yet. in other news the gauntlet was on last night also omg it was good too but not as good as moment of truth. there are a lot of hookups on it like Paula was makin out with one guy and like two seconds later she was in some guys bed. and in other, other news i am currently listening to a pop wedding playlist on free Napster. com and it is amazing it makes you want to go get married and have babies.....or just practice. lol god I'm soo funny anyways I'm listening to nsync oh yes nsync. quite the little love munchkins they are. i really feel like breaking it down but then i would get made fun of and that happens to me enough without me even trying, so ill hold it in. OH! we have ub tonight and Cody will be joining us as well as on Saturday, yes the day we get free Chinese food. ha

Friday, January 18, 2008


this class is really short yet the same amount of time as the rest of them. tricky. to alecia sorry i will drive slower. im just really fast today. ha um speech is next. yes and katie i will never love you im sorry but our lives are going to be like soap operas your the person whos loves someone else but they will never love you but everyone wants you to love each other. im just preparing us for the real world. such as; if we ever wanted to star in a soap opera. however my love is available for a small fee or labor. yeah

to katie

oh katie i do not love you like you think i do because you have a flimsy butt. ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa mwahhha ha

consumer ed

oh yeah so it is freezing in here omg i think my fingers have frost bite. lol i am also listening to low by flo rider which is funny cause im dancing and no ones noticing, its amazing. and kim you only commented me to get back at me, you should comment me and read my blog all the time. lol and the same goes for all of you because you read everyone elses except mine. what if i put good gosip on it or had a suicide note? you wouldnt know and i would die! ahh j/k anywho im really hyper and cold! but thats pretty normal. what are we doing in jilg going to computers? big booty a smack. ha yeah um i believe i won the rock hard booty contest. in your face maria. mwahhhhhhh. oh god. i want my ub check now pappy. oh you should all play this one game on vh1. however you would think it is stupid but it is very fast paced like my mind so i can keep up. i really need ridalen or whatever im not a spelling champ good thing cause i would pass out like that one kid and have to have a chair follow me everywhere. well back to the game.

Monday, January 14, 2008

To kim,

you suck. i am not mad at you however i am a little disapointed and yes i say this to your face you just interupt me so i am going to say it all and i dont care how much shit i start. 1 stop telling me you are going to do something and then not do it. its highly annoying and it hurts my feelings. yell at me if you must i dont care like i said im not mad at you and im not trying to start a fight im just telling you how i feel. 2 stop ditching me. if you are not going to hang out with me or are planning to hang out with someone else then just tell me. i dont care really its just when you tell me that we are going to do something or that we might do something and then we dont.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


.....Is the best movie known to god. you must go see it now! really you laugh through the entire thing. it is so funny and it even won a critics choice award for best comedy and something else. so therefore it is worth the seven dollars.