Friday, January 25, 2008

she hit the floor, she hit the floor, next thing you know shorty got low

so ub tommorrow and it sucks cause we have to wake up early and we are not eating chinese anymore cause some people are dumb. anyways so i have to wake up early and then tommorrow night i have a b- ball game so i will be hella tired, like i already am. anywho i am now listening to a rap playlist it is amazing. i love it, but thats cause im a gangsta. hahahhahahahahhaha oh well anyways i hope you all have checked out all my tattoo ideas cause they are amazing just like the playlist. my neck hurts. and im tired. yes. i want to go home and sleep. oh i watched true life last night and it was about alcholics and it was gay one chick was really bad but she said she didnt have a problem so she did nothing about it and it was completely pointless. ah we start our speeches today and im not even done but i have till tuesday. so i shall complete it. hopefully.


Anonymous said...

im done with my speech, but i am SOOO hella nervous. you can't even believe. and today i am a peer evaluator.

OMG.. even that makes me nervous.
this homework is really gay and im sorry to hear about your neck, i hope all is well with that.. so, hows the smoking going? ;)

Lindi said...

what are you talking about

Lindi said...

kim you are stupid that is the set font the same as it has always been i changed it one time and that is the time you didnt like it.

Kimbahlee34 said...

all ur blogs are the same colour when you go to post you can change it. or maybe you should change your layout the poop colour isn't attractive.

Lindi said...

you are a poop color just like lacey. yeah ha. and i like my page but i will look into changing my font.

Anonymous said...

i am excited to have another girls day out. it'll rock. hopefully we wont have to get gas at the ghetto station again, though. :)
