Friday, January 18, 2008

consumer ed

oh yeah so it is freezing in here omg i think my fingers have frost bite. lol i am also listening to low by flo rider which is funny cause im dancing and no ones noticing, its amazing. and kim you only commented me to get back at me, you should comment me and read my blog all the time. lol and the same goes for all of you because you read everyone elses except mine. what if i put good gosip on it or had a suicide note? you wouldnt know and i would die! ahh j/k anywho im really hyper and cold! but thats pretty normal. what are we doing in jilg going to computers? big booty a smack. ha yeah um i believe i won the rock hard booty contest. in your face maria. mwahhhhhhh. oh god. i want my ub check now pappy. oh you should all play this one game on vh1. however you would think it is stupid but it is very fast paced like my mind so i can keep up. i really need ridalen or whatever im not a spelling champ good thing cause i would pass out like that one kid and have to have a chair follow me everywhere. well back to the game.


Anonymous said...

Ummm.... i do read your blog hoe. And my yesterday wasn't the best day for my butt, it's been i will beat you one um... i just saw you dancing a sec ago... so therefore i ruin your thought that no one is paying attention..cause i see all....ALLL ALL...!


Anonymous said...

lol. you are hyper.
just reading that blog made me laugh! lol
anywho, i'm stoked for monday!
and i also want my UB check, pappy.


ps.-you love me.