Thursday, January 24, 2008

i do cherish you, i will love you still; 98 degrees

yeah so I'm listening to love songs.
had class last night and it only lasted an hour and a half! whoo so i was able to get home in time for the new show : moment of truth. oh yeah best show ever! its soooo controversial but that's what I'm all about. i recommend it to all the losers who haven't seen it yet. in other news the gauntlet was on last night also omg it was good too but not as good as moment of truth. there are a lot of hookups on it like Paula was makin out with one guy and like two seconds later she was in some guys bed. and in other, other news i am currently listening to a pop wedding playlist on free Napster. com and it is amazing it makes you want to go get married and have babies.....or just practice. lol god I'm soo funny anyways I'm listening to nsync oh yes nsync. quite the little love munchkins they are. i really feel like breaking it down but then i would get made fun of and that happens to me enough without me even trying, so ill hold it in. OH! we have ub tonight and Cody will be joining us as well as on Saturday, yes the day we get free Chinese food. ha


Anonymous said...

dude.. chinese buffet!! YEAH!
also, I'm stoked about Cod-ster coming to UB, but his sister... not so much.
I love Nsync. and Pop Weddings.
but right now i'm listening to a HIP HOP playlist!

also, they have an adam sandler playlist. :) I'm listening to that next!


Anonymous said...

also, those are my favorite choices also, but the bird is my favorite. :)

Kimbahlee34 said...

I can never read your blog next time you post do it in a dif. colour thanks.

Anonymous said...

"just practice"

you kill me!!!